
Is it safe to smoke cannabis seeds?

Published Dec 9, 2020 02:00 p.m. ET
iStock / Sylvia Becerra Gonzalez

We often talk about how useful all of the various parts of the cannabis plant can be because there is virtually nothing that needs to go to waste, as everything has some sort of purpose if you’re willing to go the extra mile to make it happen, but what about cannabis seeds? Are they like the stems where you can obtain a little THC from each one? Or are they more like the roots? Useful but not to get high. We’re going to answer both of those questions and more as we guide you through the dangers to be aware of, and helpful ideas that might be more beneficial to use instead.

What are cannabis seeds made of?

We know that cannabis seeds contain the lifeblood and genetics of the plants that came before it, but when you look at one, and what it all contains, you’ll find that there isn’t much more than regular old plant matter alongside some nutrients, proteins, and oils that are great for the body, but only when they’re ingested. Cannabis seeds also tend to contain trace amounts of cannabinoids but not enough to give you the same benefits as smoking weed flower and other pot products.

They won’t get you high

That’s right! Though they might be one of the most precious and powerful parts of any cannabis plant, as they hold the genetics of many past generations, they won’t get you high, no matter how many you try to smoke. They might burn and they might even seem like they’re smoking as you cough over the harshness of it all, but they don’t contain enough of any cannabinoid to induce a euphoric sense of relaxation like what you’d expect from almost any other cannabis goods.

They can explode and cause burns

If the fact that they won’t get you high doesn’t turn you off enough to keep you from trying it, then it is important to consider the risks that can come from it. When you put cannabis seeds under extreme heat, it creates a pressure that quickly builds up inside of the shell, and eventually, once it gets to be too much, the hull will explode, and it doesn’t matter if it’s in a rolling paper, a bong, or a pipe, it will toss burning hot coals and destroy any cannabis that might be surrounding it in the process.

What to do with cannabis seeds instead

Since no one wants to get burns that come paired with literally no benefits whatsoever, you might be wondering what you should do aside from just tossing them out, but there is no reason to waste this incredible gift. You might not be able to smoke cannabis seeds without risking your skin, but you can try some of these neat suggestions instead.

  • Eat them raw

  • Bake them

  • Ground them into flour

  • Turn them into art

  • Give them away

  • Turn them into juice

Though it would be nice to get just a little bit more out of each bag of cannabis, especially after you come across seeds that have definitely added to the overall weight of your order, it’s safer and just better, in general, to avoid smoking cannabis seeds at all costs.

The Ultimate Guide on How to Smoke weed


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