10 Ways that using cannabis can backfire

Published Mar 12, 2021 12:00 p.m. ET
iStock / Khosrork

Cannabis is amazing that much we know for sure, but it’s not often that you’ll hear anyone acknowledge the ways that choosing or using the plant, or its derivatives can go wrong. Most who have experimented with cannabinoids end up happy with the results, which is why it’s so quickly replacing both alcohol and many prescription medications. However, some find that their attempt backfires, and these are some of the most common ways that cannabis can do that.

1. Medication interference

A lot of people don’t realize that cannabis can have a significant impact on several life-saving prescription medications, rendering them either ineffective or too effective, which can be devastating. Another common trend is to skip out on doctor-given prescriptions entirely in hopes that cannabis will offer the same if not better results, and unfortunately, that’s not always the case.

2. Sedation

The primary allure of cannabis is that it can be soothing, offering a cleat and relaxed state of mind, which should help to deal with things like stress. While it is true, cannabinoids can often provide some relief; they can also take things too far by sedating and attacking motivation, something that is especially common when they’re not taken in moderation.

3. Nausea

Cancer patients are the first ones to talk about how cannabis can help to reduce nausea, a common side effect of some of the treatments we use to eradicate the disease, so there is clear benefit to be had by millions of sufferers who experience similar effects due to numerous other medical conditions. However, some people will find that cannabinoids make them feel sick no matter how they take them, which is for obvious reasons counterproductive.

4. Hunger

Some people use cannabis because they could benefit from a good case of the munchies, a side effect that is often triggered by THC, while others attempt to use it to extinguish an unquenchable desire from within to overeat. The thing is that not all cannabis strains will offer these same consistent effects, so while one might make a diet easier, the other could make you pack on the pounds instead.

5. Tolerance

There are no other cannabis use backfires that are as painful as this one, in particular for the seasoned consumer. Spending months, years, and in some cases, decades relying on the plant for its benefits only to find that it’s suddenly nowhere near as effective at its job feels like a betrayal. This is caused by tolerance, something that typically builds over time, and it can be a serious problem for some users.

6. Depression

Many turn to cannabis for relief from depression. Feeling down and out can impact nearly every aspect of life, and cannabinoids can often help to manage this, but they can also have the opposite effect, and consumers might not even notice it until it’s too late. There is nothing worse than wallowing in a pit of despair, and some strains can actually work to keep you there.


7. Impairment

Cannabis can help with so many things that it’s easy to forget that there are some downsides, especially if you need to use it all of the time, and one of them is impairment, which can backfire behind the wheel or at work. Many users feel that it can help them to focus, which can certainly be true, but still, it’s important to note that any THC cannabis product can and likely will impair those who use it.

8. Anxiety

That smooth, thick wave of soothing euphoria that cannabis is known for can help even the least stressed folks to unwind, but in some cases, the result isn't quite so relaxing. In fact, the intensity of the effects of either THC or CBD, aka greening out, could leave a user feeling anxious, something that could be detrimental for those who are using it in hopes of relieving anxiety or reducing anxious ticks.

9. Headaches

We know that cannabis can help to reduce the severity or frequency of headaches and that it can be particularly effective on the dreaded migraine, but how well it works really depends on the cause. Unfortunately, not many consumers realize that too much coughing or too high of a cannabinoid dose can sometimes give you headaches just as quickly as it can take some away.

10. Reliance

The effects of cannabis are useful, powerful, and easy to fall back on, especially when you haven't found that same sort of relief anywhere else in life, but that is precisely what can make it backfire, as it’s really easy to become dependent on it. Once you become used to integrating cannabinoids in your day-to-day life, it can also be really hard to cut back, which is why caution and moderation are so important.

Overconsumption and education

These are some of the ways that opting for cannabis can turn bad, but the majority of these possibilities can be avoided with a bit of moderation and cannabis education. Of course, like with anything, there will always be at least some risk that goes along with partaking. Still, with attention to moderation, healthy practices, and most importantly, knowledge surrounding how exactly the plant and its many elements work, you’ll be much less likely to ever be so unfortunate as to have cannabis come back to haunt you.

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