Serra Downtown
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Serra Downtown

Today: Open 10:00 AM - Close 8:00 PM
220 SW 1st Ave, Portland, OR 97204, USA
*All menu prices listed are before tax.* No tax for OMMP Patients. Portland Dispensary SERRA has a downtown location bringing you quality drugs and other fine cannabis accessories. We are both OLCC recreational and Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) compliant; medical patients shop tax-free. We can be found in gorgeous downtown Portland, just a quick jaunt from the SW Oak/1st Ave Max station (stop ID 8380). We are cash-only, and have an ATM available for all customers. Recreational custom...
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*All menu prices listed are before tax.* No tax for OMMP Patients. Portland Dispensary SERRA has a downtown location bringing you quality drugs and other fine cannabis accessories. We are both OLCC recreational and Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) compliant; medical patients shop tax-free. We can be found in gorgeous downtown Portland, just a quick jaunt from the SW Oak/1st Ave Max station (stop ID 8380). We are cash-only, and have an ATM available for all customers. Recreational customers must be 21 or older to enter. OMMP patients 18 and older are also welcome. Visit to learn how you can Feel All The Feelings.
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