Hotbox Farms - Huntington
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Hotbox Farms - Huntington

Today: Open 09:00 AM - Close 7:00 PM
120 Washington St E, Huntington, OR 97907, USA
This menu/information pertains to the HUNTING OREGON LOCATION only. All prices include all applicable sales taxes, these will be deducted for medical patients at check-out. If you are unable to see prices visit our website Hotbox Farms is Eastern Oregon's 1st and FINEST recreational dispensary!! Offering Free Smells Monday thru Saturday 9am to 7pm PST, including holidays!! (CLOSED SUNDAYS) Daily Purchase Limits: 28gm (1oz) loose marijuana (flower/pre-rolls); 5gm ...
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This menu/information pertains to the HUNTING OREGON LOCATION only. All prices include all applicable sales taxes, these will be deducted for medical patients at check-out. If you are unable to see prices visit our website Hotbox Farms is Eastern Oregon's 1st and FINEST recreational dispensary!! Offering Free Smells Monday thru Saturday 9am to 7pm PST, including holidays!! (CLOSED SUNDAYS) Daily Purchase Limits: 28gm (1oz) loose marijuana (flower/pre-rolls); 5gm concentrates/extracts (vapes/dabs); 16 ounces of cannabinoid products in solid form (edibles/topicals); 72oz of cannabinoid products in liquid form (edibles/topicals); 10 seeds; and 4 immature plants (clones). Medical patient limits may be different, and are based upon OHA/OMMP/OLCC regulations.
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